Installing A Puppet

Quote from Dawn (from the Haverford Blog)

As John McCain did in a news-clip yesterday, I too send congratulations to Barak Obama for breaking the racial barrier to become the first black American to lead a National Party for election to president of the United States.

May the best man win.

My Response:

Why is the national media and John McCain announcing his V.P. pick, like he is the official GOP canidate? Ron Paul and Mitt Romney didn’t “drop out”, just suspended their campaigning.

I am fed up with the MEDIA who is controlled by foreign countries who select candidates. RON PAUL has my vote in November, come hell or high water. That’s my RIGHT. The RNC convention didn’t happen already, did it? Watch for RON PAUL delegates (official from their constituents) to be harassed, bullied, and arrested. And the NEWS response? There just a crazy bunch of so called “libs” when in fact most Ron Paul backers are the most intelligent people in this country who actually see the eroding of the Constitution.

Welcome to AMERIKA.

Mike Chitwood Versus the Second Amendment

In yesterdays Daily Times, I read about a lawsuit filed from C.Scott Shields in behalf of a Mary Welsch of the Drexel Hill section of Upper Darby.

Mike, give the woman back her guns. She owns them, not you, not anyone else. There is a thing called the Second Amendment, that also allows YOU to carry a firearm.
